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DECV – ICT & Employability Course

With support from Sport Relief, Coalfields Regeneration Trust and the Dearne Development Team we are supporting many people living in the Dearne with all aspects of searching and applying for a job, as well as gaining accreditation in ICT.   People will be able to make the most of one-to-one / small group support with searching for jobs, writing CVs and covering letters, completing applications, preparing for an interview, as well as information on universal job match and other job jobsites. There will also be the opportunity to take part in basic computer courses, accredited up to Entry level 3 with OCR.

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We offer Employability activities alongside our popular ICT programmes. Activities include:

Word Processing
CV Creation
Application Forms
Interview Advice
Using Universal Jobmatch
Register with CV Library / Reed / Indeed / Moster
Careers Advice
Progression opportunities

Our Young @ Heart Program offers sessions for older learners (55+) who want to get to grips with the latest technology. Subjects Include Microsoft Office, Photography, Social Media, Online Shopping / Banking, Using Tablets, Smart Phones…..Please phone for availability.


Monday (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop
Tuesday (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop
Wed (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop
Thurs (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop
Friday (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop

Call Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 or 07813022087 to book a place or find out more information. Alternatively email info@decv.co.uk

ICT – Digital Inclusion – Courses

Call Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 or 07813022087 to book a place or find out more information. Alternatively email info@decv.co.uk

Activities  on our popular ICT course include:

Word Processing
CV Creation

Need help with the following?

Application Forms
Interview Advice
Using Universal Jobmatch
Register with CV Library / Reed / Indeed / Monster
Progression opportunities

We are supporting many people living in the Dearne with all aspects of searching and applying for a job. People will be able to make the most of one-to-one / small group support with searching for jobs, writing CVs and covering letters, completing applications, preparing for an interview, as well as information on universal job match. There will also be the opportunity to take part in basic computer courses, accredited at Entry level 3 with OCR.


The Young @ Heart Digital Inclusion Program offers sessions for older learners who want to get to grips with the latest technology. Subjects Include Microsoft Office, Photography, Social Media, Online Shopping / Banking / Security / Using Tablets, Smart Phones…..

Monday (9-5) – Silver Surfer Digital Inclusion Workshop sessions (55+)
Tuesday (9-5) –  ICT Workshop (OCR Award in ICT)
Wed (9-5) –  ICT Workshop (OCR Award in ICT)
Thurs (9-5) – ICT Workshop (OCR Award in ICT)
Friday (9-5) – Silver Surfer Digital Inclusion Workshop Sessions (55+)

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Call Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 or 07813022087 to book a place or find out more information. Alternatively email info@decv.co.uk

DECV ICT & Employability Workshops

We are supporting many people living in the Dearne with all aspects of searching and applying for a job. People will be able to make the most of one-to-one / small group support with searching for jobs, writing CVs and covering letters, completing applications, preparing for an interview, as well as information on universal job match. There will also be the opportunity to take part in basic computer courses, accredited up to Entry level 3 with OCR.


VAB10 - Wayne Thorn - Case Study (2)IMG_6051IMG_5999

We offer Employability activities alongside our popular ICT programmes. Activities include:

Word Processing
CV Creation
Application Forms
Interview Advice
Using Universal Jobmatch
Register with CV Library / Reed / Indeed / Moster
Careers Advice
Progression opportunities

The Young @ Heart Program offers sessions for older learners (55+) who want to get to grips with the latest technology.  Subjects Include Microsoft Office, Photography, Social Media, Online Shopping / Banking, Using Tablets, Smart Phones…..Please phone for availability.


Monday (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop 
Tuesday (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop
Wed        (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop
Thurs     (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop
Friday    (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop 

Call Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 or 07813022087 to book a place or find out more information.  Alternatively email info@decv.co.uk

The Young @ Heart ICT Course (55+) – Enroling now!

Starting July 2015 – Computer sessions for the over 55’s

To book a place phone 01709 889880 or email info@decv.co.uk

This course is aimed at users over 55 who may not have access to a PC at home, and would like to grow their skills in using the Internet for browsing, Online Shopping, Social Networking and also getting to grips with Digital Photos and online security.  The course has been funded by Awards For All.

The program will be available on a daily basis; activities will range from basic unaccredited confidence building classes, providing useful practical skills, up to a nationally recognised qualification at entry level 3 (OCR Entry ICT).  Small class numbers and where necessary even one to one tuition will be delivered.


The primary focus of the support will be confidence building in basic ICT – Word / Internet usage / Email Communication / Social Networking / Online shopping / Internet / Security. Its expected some learners at age 55-65 will need help with employability skills / Universal Jobmatch and jobsearch.  You will also be able to bring your own laptop or tablet but computers are provided.

The social aspect is very important to the project and the trainer and volunteers will promote this, with a friendly, relaxed atmosphere and plenty of refreshments!

Call now to book a place!

Community Learning and Skills Open Day

Lifelong Learning centre

Venue – DECV / Thurnscoe Library – Lifelong Learning Centre
12th February 2015
10.00am – 16.00pm

GMB Working Towards Work and DECV are holding a Community Learning and Skills Open day.

Lifelong Learning centre

In attendance will be a range of providers and useful organisations.  These Include:

Dearne Valley College
Fleetmasters Training
Sure Start
Coalfields Regen Trust
Voluntary Action Barnsley


There will be information on accessing a wide range of lifelong learning opportunities including:

Fork Lift truck Training
Volunteering, apprenticeships and more…


A free buffet lunch will be laid on for all participants.

Everyone is welcome so come and join us.  Your next career move could be just around the corner!

volunteer motivation

ICT / Employability Accredited Course – Enrolling Now!

Our popular OCR Entry Level 3 Award in ICT course is re-starting. Sessions (small group and where possible 1 to 1) will cover Word Processing, Internet, Email, CV preperation, Online Jobsearch and online applications using Universal Jobmatch. You will also have access to outreach workers who can help with CV’s, Job applications etc who are on-site at DECV. You must be unemployed and aged 19 or over to access these particular courses which are funded by and Coalfields Regen Trust.

Please contact Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 / 07813022087, email info@decv.co.uk or pop into the centre if you wish to book a place.

The Course is accredited by OCR and runs Mon – Fri (9.00am – 5.00pm).  For 1 to 1 or small group tuition you must book in advance.

ICT Course – Places available

Our popular OCR Entry Level 3 Award in ICT course is re-starting on the 30th June 2014. Sessions (small group and where possible 1 to 1) will cover Word Processing, Internet, Email, CV preperation, Online Jobsearch and online applications using Universal Jobmatch. You will also have access to outreach jobcentre workers who can help with CV’s, Job applications etc who are on-site at DECV. You must be unemployed and aged 19 or over to access this particular course which is funded by Humber Learning Consortium. There are only 40 places, so book quick! Please contact Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 / 07813022087, email info@decv.co.uk or pop into the centre if you wish to book a place

DECV’s Pilot project Success

Lifelong Learning centre

OCR Entry (3) ICT Awards & Award in Life & Living Skills

Well done to all 40 students who completed the OCR ICT Qualification and the award in Life & Living Skills. A massive thanks to Barnsley Ward Alliance and BMBC who funded us for this successful 6 month pilot project!  Many thanks to our partners, Dearne Valley College, Goldthorpe Jobcentre and CRT.  10 learners from the project managed to secure employment.

It is hoped further funding can be secured to continue our work helping local residents back into work.



OCR Entry Level Award in ICT/Employability skills course

Our popular OCR Entry Level Award in ICT/Employability skills course is re-starting on the 25th November 2013.  Sessions (small group and where possible 1 to 1) will cover Word Processing, Internet, Email, CV preperation, Online Jobsearch, online applications and Universal Jobmatch.  You will also have access to an outreach jobcentre worker who can help with CV’s, Job applications etc.

You must be unemployed to access this particular course which is funded by Barnsley Council.  There are only 40 places, so book quick!

Please contact Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 / 07813022087 if you wish to book a place, email info@decv.co.uk or pop into the centre.

GMB Community Organising Project working in partnership with DECV!

DECV’s Lifelong Learning Centre has had a major upgrade to its computers thanks to GMB Community Organising Project, in partnership with the Union Learn and DECV.
The Community Organising Project has been working in Thurnscoe for over a year with DECV to improve access to their centre and has now invested to increase the amount of computers at the centre and fund new equipment. This has been achieved with the support of the Union Learn and the wider GMB, its members and activists.
The staff at DECV, are constantly fighting to secure funding for their charity which provides invaluable support to those who wish to access education, always free of charge.
The event to unveil the new learning centre was attended by many of the centres supporters and GMB members and activists. Tim Roach, GMB regional secretary, spoke at the event describing the work that was done there as invaluable. John Heely, Labour MP for the Dearne Valley, and the founding minister of the Union Learning fund, also sung the centres praises, pointing to the essential link between GMB activists involved in the centre, namely the Shop Steward at the library where the charity is based, Annette Gollick, and the support of the union as a whole.
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