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ICT Course – Places available

Our popular OCR Entry Level 3 Award in ICT course is re-starting on the 30th June 2014. Sessions (small group and where possible 1 to 1) will cover Word Processing, Internet, Email, CV preperation, Online Jobsearch and online applications using Universal Jobmatch. You will also have access to outreach jobcentre workers who can help with CV’s, Job applications etc who are on-site at DECV. You must be unemployed and aged 19 or over to access this particular course which is funded by Humber Learning Consortium. There are only 40 places, so book quick! Please contact Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 / 07813022087, email or pop into the centre if you wish to book a place

DECV’s Pilot project Success

Lifelong Learning centre

OCR Entry (3) ICT Awards & Award in Life & Living Skills

Well done to all 40 students who completed the OCR ICT Qualification and the award in Life & Living Skills. A massive thanks to Barnsley Ward Alliance and BMBC who funded us for this successful 6 month pilot project!  Many thanks to our partners, Dearne Valley College, Goldthorpe Jobcentre and CRT.  10 learners from the project managed to secure employment.

It is hoped further funding can be secured to continue our work helping local residents back into work.



OCR Entry Level Award in ICT/Employability skills course

Our popular OCR Entry Level Award in ICT/Employability skills course is re-starting on the 25th November 2013.  Sessions (small group and where possible 1 to 1) will cover Word Processing, Internet, Email, CV preperation, Online Jobsearch, online applications and Universal Jobmatch.  You will also have access to an outreach jobcentre worker who can help with CV’s, Job applications etc.

You must be unemployed to access this particular course which is funded by Barnsley Council.  There are only 40 places, so book quick!

Please contact Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 / 07813022087 if you wish to book a place, email or pop into the centre.

GMB Community Organising Project working in partnership with DECV!

DECV’s Lifelong Learning Centre has had a major upgrade to its computers thanks to GMB Community Organising Project, in partnership with the Union Learn and DECV.
The Community Organising Project has been working in Thurnscoe for over a year with DECV to improve access to their centre and has now invested to increase the amount of computers at the centre and fund new equipment. This has been achieved with the support of the Union Learn and the wider GMB, its members and activists.
The staff at DECV, are constantly fighting to secure funding for their charity which provides invaluable support to those who wish to access education, always free of charge.
The event to unveil the new learning centre was attended by many of the centres supporters and GMB members and activists. Tim Roach, GMB regional secretary, spoke at the event describing the work that was done there as invaluable. John Heely, Labour MP for the Dearne Valley, and the founding minister of the Union Learning fund, also sung the centres praises, pointing to the essential link between GMB activists involved in the centre, namely the Shop Steward at the library where the charity is based, Annette Gollick, and the support of the union as a whole.
gmb2 gmb4

Thurnscoe Local History Group – WW1 in Thurnscoe

Celebrations 2014

Information is required related to Thurnscoe & Dearne Area.  Old photographs, documents and artifacts etc related to the above would be most welcomed by the Thurnscoe Local History Group.  Any documents and photographs would be copied and returned speedily to the providers.

Thurnscoe Local History Group meets at the Rainbow Centre, Houghton Rd, Thurnscoe.  Every Thursday, 10-12 noon.

Thanking you in anticipation of your co-operation!

Cash boost from GMB

Lifelong Learning centre

We are very happy to announce a £10,000 cash boost from our partners GMB who have provided us with new computers/software for our public room and classrooms.  They are also providing much needed ICT support from A&D ICT.  As many regulars here know, funding is increasingly now hard to come by.  The contribution comes from GMB through the Union Learning Fund and a ribbon cutting ceremony will take place on the 24th June at 2pm.   Feel free to come along, refreshments will be flowing! It will be attended by GMB secretary Jim Roache and Wentworth & Dearne MP John Healey.

We look forward to putting these machines to good use, helping the people of Thurnscoe, Goldthorpe and surrounding areas with ICT, Maths, English, employability skills and other courses.

A write up of the event is featured on GMB’s website.  Take a look here:


What’s in IT for me? New Course starting July 1st 2013

Our popular OCR Entry Level Award in ICT/Employability skills course is re-starting on the 1st July 2013.  Sessions (small group and where possible 1 to 1) will cover Word Processing, Internet, Email, CV preperation, Online Jobsearch and online applications.  You will also have access to an outreach jobcentre worker who can help with CV’s, Job applications etc.

You must be unemployed to access this particular course which is funded by Humber Learning Consortium.  There are only 20 places, so book quick!

Please contact Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 / 07813022087 if you wish to book a place or email

Thurnscoe Readers Group

If you enjoy reading why not join our reading group? The group is informal and very relaxed .  We meet once per month (1st Monday) at 10am-12pm. We currently have 12 members. It’s an ideal way to have some fun and lively discussion!

Tea/Coffee is available
Great selection of books
Attend Author events

If you are interested in joining pop in and speak to Janet Ellor or give us a ring on 01709 890001.

Thurnscoe Family History Group (Monday 2pm-4pm@DECV)

Thurnscoe Family History Group

The family history group meet every Monday Afternoon (2-4pm) in Training Room 2 at DECV LTd. This popular group is run by Shirley Swales.  More information can be found on their Facebook Page or by dropping into the DECV.