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Empowering Communities Through Digital Education

Over the moon to say we’ve been awarded a grant from The Access Foundation top deliver our Digital Skills / Employability sessions, starting January 2025!

Bridging The Digital Divide

Access Foundation support organisations who have as a key objective the mitigation of the digital divide, by making computing facilities, support and/or learning available to disadvantaged and vulnerable people, exactly what we do at DECV!

The £20,704 grant will fund DECV’s project to teach digital skills and employability – helping to bridge the digital divide and equip people with the tools they need to reach their potential. Weekly sessions will give participants the opportunity to:

  • Develop digital literacy
  • Employability Skills
  • Access online services
  • Feel included in the community
  • Be empowered by technology

We can only keep going thanks to grants, so each and every one, large or small, makes a difference.

Read about the great work The Access Foundation do here:

Digital Skills & Employability sessions

If you need to build confidence with your Digital skills and need help looking and applying for Employment then our ICT course is perfect for you. Small group sessions and 1 to 1 slots available.

1 to 1 slots also available for Employment support with an experianced tutor.

Contact our Tutor Rory Garforth – 01709 889880 / 07813022087

DECV – Lifelong Learning Centre / Thurnscoe Library

DECV Employability / ICT Sessions

Face to Face and Remote sessions

Rory Garforth is available to provide advice and support with Employability Skills and developing your ICT skills. He’s still working remotely Wednesdays and Fridays and is now back at Thurnscoe Library Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (10am-4pm). Places have filled up fast but drop him a message or give him a call to see how he can help you. 

Not letting Coronavirus stop our work, Rory Garforth has been working remotely with clients supporting people in the Dearne Valley, providing much needed employability and ICT assistance to individuals living in our community.

Rory uses email, phone, social media and video calls, ensuring the service remains and all our learners are given course work, advice and guidance to suit thier individual needs. 

Regular weekly contact has been made with all learners, new and old and we’ve managed to keep our accredited courses up and running, with over 40 people gaining accreditation throughout lockdown.

Some great recent feedback!

During lock down, we’ve also continued our Employability support with applications, CV writing, online interviews, Social media and sharing new opportunities that our learners can access. 

Currently Rory is back in the Lifelong Learning centre at Thurnscoe 3 days per week (Mondays / Tuesdays and Thursdays) with remote working on Wednesdays and Fridays. Places are limited at the centre so please phone early to book your place.

Tel: 07813022087
Email: info@decv.co.uk

*Facemasks must be worn at all times
*Covid measures in place at Library / DECV Classroom
* No more than 2 learners in class at any one time

OCR ICT Awards Results

Congratualtions to 20 DECV learners who completed their OCR ICT Awards during lockdown!!! As ever, thank you to our Funders for this project, Coalfields Regeneration Trust

Work with an experienced tutor and make the most of one-to-one / small group support with Accredited ICT training, searching for jobs, writing CVs and covering letters, completing applications, preparing for an interview, as well as information and help with Online job search and applications.

Contact: 01709 889880 / 07813022087 to book a place. DECV – Lifelong learning centre, Thurnscoe

OCR certs

DECV Now Open – Limited Hours

Rory Garforth is available to provide advice and support with Employability Skills and developing your ICT skills. He’s still working remotely Monday / Wednesday / Friday and is now back at Thurnscoe Library Tuesdays and Thursdays (10am-2pm). Places have filled up fast but drop him a message or give him a call to see how he can help you 
07813022087 – info@decv.co.uk X

*Facemasks must be worn at all times
*Covid measures in place at Library / DECV Classroom
* No more than 2 learners in class at any one time

Thurnscoe Library – Tuesdays & Thursdays (10-2)

Classroom for Hire at DECV


Training Room 2 – DECV: Contains 12 PC’s, Broadband, Windows 10, MS Office, Adobe and Macromedia software.  Interactive Whiteboard, 2 Colour Laser Printers plus any required teaching aids.

This room is available for hire and can accommodate 12 Students.  The computers can be removed if not needed for classes such as English or Maths.  Refreshments provided.

If you would like to hire this room please Contact Us 

DECV receives funding from Co-Op’s Local Community Fund

DECV receives funding from Co-Op’s Local Community Fund

We are extremely pleased to announce we have received funding from the Co-Op.  Saturday morning saw DECV Trustee Brian Walker pick up a cheque for £3234.28 from Bolton Upon Dearne’s Co-Op store. The money has been raised by Co-Op members and has been raised for DECV to help with the running costs of the centre.  The money comes from Co-op members who take part in The Co-op Local Community Fund which is Co-ops way of giving back to their members and their communities.

The Dearne Electronic Community Village (DECV) is a charity based in the village of Thurnscoe,  experiencing high levels of disadvantage, they educate and empower people to take positive lead of their lives, through classes in ICT and employability skills. Massive thanks to all at the Co-op and the wonderful customers!


You pay £1 to become a member and this buys you a share in Co-op, which gives you:

  • 5% back to spend next time when you buy Co-op products
  • a share of their profits if they do well
  • the right to vote on how they do business
  • 1% of what you spend on local causes near you


The £3234.28 has been raised by Co-op members who purchased selected products and services from Co-op Group businesses.  1% of what you spend on selected, Co-op own-brand products goes into your local community fund and the money raised by all the members in your community, together with money from shopping bag sales, helps to fund local projects in the area where you live.

Any money raised by members who don’t select a cause is added to the money raised from shopping bag sales and shared equally between the causes in their local area.

ICT and Employability in the Community – DECV

DECV (Dearne Electronic Community Village) has a proven track record supporting many people living in the Dearne with all aspects of gaining Computer skills and searching and applying for a job. People can make the most of one-to-one / small group support with searching for jobs, writing CVs and covering letters, completing applications, preparing for an interview, as well as information and help with Online job search and applications.

There will also be the opportunity to take part in our popular computer courses, accredited with OCR.  If you need help finding work and want to gain a qualification in ICT please call 01709 889880 or 07813022087 and speak to our Qualified and experienced tutor about booking your place.

Activities Include:

Word Processing
CV Creation
Application Forms
Interview Advice
Using Universal Jobmatch
Universal Credit
Register and search/apply with CV Library / Reed / Indeed / Monster
Careers Advice
Progression opportunities
Learn my Way Online Course

ICT & Employability Workshops at DECV

Dearne Electronic Community Village are supporting many people living in the Dearne with all aspects of searching and applying for a job. People will be able to make the most of one-to-one / small group support with searching for jobs, writing CVs and covering letters, completing applications, preparing for an interview, as well as information on universal job match.

There will also be the opportunity to take part in our popular computer courses, accredited with OCR.  If you need help finding work and want to gain a qualification in ICT please call 01709 889880 and speak to our tutor about booking your place.



VAB10 - Wayne Thorn - Case Study (2)IMG_6051IMG_5999

We offer Employability activities alongside our popular ICT programmes. Activities include:

Word Processing
CV Creation
Application Forms
Interview Advice
Using Universal Jobmatch
Register with CV Library / Reed / Indeed / Moster
Careers Advice
Progression opportunities

The Young @ Heart Program offers sessions for older learners (55+) who want to get to grips with the latest technology.  Subjects Include Microsoft Office, Photography, Social Media, Online Shopping / Banking, Using Tablets, Smart Phones…..Please phone for availability.  These courses are subject to funding.


Monday (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop 
Tuesday (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop
Wed        (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop
Thurs      (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop
Friday     (9-5) – Employability & ICT Workshop 

Call Rory Garforth on 01709 889880 or 07813022087 to book a place or find out more information.  Alternatively email info@decv.co.uk

New Computer Suite Launch!

DECV / GMB Open Day – New Computer Suite Launch

Many thanks to John Healey MP for attending the opening of our new computer suite at DECV, alongside the leader of Barnsley Council Steve Houghton, local councillors Pauline Phillips and Annette Gollick and representatives for GMB and Dearne Valley College. The new resources were obtained through funds donated by the GMB Trade Union Learning Project. DECV now has 8 new computers, enabling the continued delivery of lifelong learning opportunities to the local community.  The Suite will mainly be used for ICT and Employability Skills Training in the centre.
